Environmental urban planning

Valdaso master plan

April 2008
Valdaso (AP)
Budget 60.000,00 euro

Valdaso Master Plan, tool for territorial planning of the territorial scope of the municipalities of the valley.

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Piave strategic project

December 2007
Province of Belluno
Budget 60.000,00 euro

The Strategic Plan of the Piave is a primary and identity element in the territorial, provincial and Veneto context.

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Soverzene pilot project - Belluno

April 2007
Province of Belluno
Budget 60.000,00 euro

Planning, design and management on the Piave river in order to verify its functionality and draw suggestions for the subsequent phases.

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Environmental status of the Aso

January 2007
Province of Ascoli Piceno
Budget 30.000,00 euro

Methodological analysis and formulation of proposals for the naturalization and revitalization of the Aso river, in the province of Ascoli Piceno.

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Historical analysis Brescia - Caffaro

December 2004-2008
Budget 249.600,00 euro

Historical analysis; participation and information; study of the analogues and reclamation scenarios of the Brescia – Caffaro site of national interest.

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Val d'Aso analysis

December 2006
Ascoli Piceno
Budget 50.000,00 euro

Definition of guidelines for the integrated and sustainable development of Val d’Aso and creation of prerequisites for the establishment of an Area Brand.

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