T.E.R.R.A. S.r.l. works constantly on Research and Development activity in order to support the environmental consultancy activity. R&D activity aims to develop cutting-edge tools to acquire an analytical understanding of environmental phenomena at large scale. To do this we develop dedicated algorithms based on:
Satellite Data. We analyse optical satellite data (both multispectral and hyperspectral) and radar ones. We can manage and acquire all satellite product available on market to guarantee the best possible performance of the analysis.
Artificial Intelligence. We apply the most advanced model of Machine and Deep Learning to maximize the understanding of studied phenomena.
Control Data. We base our analysis on control data from different sources, like for example survey data or ARPA ones.
Our main areas of research are:
- Coastal erosion. Estimation of high precision satellite deriver bathymetry
- Athmospheric Pollution. Study of atmospheric pollutant concentrations
- Soil use. To acquire a temporal analysis of particular phenomana (such for example evolution of fluvial continuity).
- Forest Management. In order to classify forest species from satellite and to estimate forest carbon stock.
Related Research Interests from 2019 to today
- Stimulate scientific research in Italy in the field of forest fires (with particular attention to the following areas of study: silvicultural prevention, post-fire management, fire behavior and ecology, forest fire prevention planning, risk analysis in forest areas and in urban-forest interface areas, fire hazard forecasting, modelling, analysis of the causes of fires, socio-economic aspects of the fire phenomenon) creating a network of researchers who share knowledge and methods.
- Promote the exchange between research and the technical-operational world on forest fire management issues (Regional and municipal Technical Offices, AIB operators, training agencies, professional studies in the environmental sector) through workshops and training activities.
- Inform stakeholders (e.g. civil society, AIB volunteers, Civil Protection, Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Fire Brigade) on innovations at national and international level in the forest fire sector.
Our vision is to acquire precise information at large scale, in order to comprehend land environmental phenomena, especially considering effects of climate changes.
Some results:
- Algoritithm Poseidon Algorithm protected by copyright for the estimation of the bathymetry from a high precision satellite and for the temporal monitoring of evolutionary dynamics of the coast.
- International publications
- International events and conferences
- Jobs done
Terra Srl funds a PhD in Industrial Research at the University of Padova, LERH School
Supervisor Prof. Francesco Pirotti.
Terra is registered to italian national register of researches. CAR code 53459PKG.