Terra Srl has always applied strict ethical rules in the phase of acceptance of professional assignments, rejecting any form of unsustainable land exploitation and activities impacting and harmful to human health, the landscape and the environment. No greenwashing. These choices, although difficult from the point of view of corporate economic performance, have allowed us to remain free to openly criticize and fight the planning choices and projects that we do not share, also and above all by providing our advice to administrations, committees and free citizens who oppose such harmful activities. These choices have allowed the office a constant consistency in pursuing solutions towards environmental and health quality, giving its selected customers reason for trust and added value. This has also allowed the enhancement of its network and its work.
Terra srl ββin 2019/2020 financially supports the Amnesty International Italia Association for the STOP of the exploitation of people and minors in the cobalt mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Terra srl in 2021 and 2022 financially supports the Amnesty International Italy Association for the STOP of the exploitation of people and minors in the cobalt mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo and for climate change: Europe act now!
Terra srl in 2023 financially supports the AIL (https://www.ail.it/) and in particular the theater company Dietro le Quinte, Teatro per AIL is planning for the current year. The theater company “Dietro le Quinte β Teatro per l’A. I.L” (Italian Association for the fight against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma) was founded in the autumn of 2010 by a group of parents of children attending school maternal of Cessalto who wanted to continue, outside the school, an experience of friendship and solidarity proposing, to a wide audience, funny and sometimes comic reinterpretations of the classic fairy tales for children such as Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Aladdin, Robin Hood as well as countless scenic and animated readings. Since December 2018 he has been staging, in the theaters and squares of Veneto, but also of the nearby Friuli Venezia Giulia, a version of “The Wizard of Oz” that sees a constant interaction with the public, giving pleasant and hilarious moments to those present. Overall, since 2010, more than 150 shows have been realized. The goal of the company, composed of about 30 elements, all A.I.L. members, including actors, editors, audio and lighting technicians, is to stage revisited representations of fairy tales aimed at encouraging and developing in children, but also in adults, concepts such as solidarity, donation, friendship and respect, all values of A.I.L..
For 2023 the company is setting up a new show, which will stage a bizarre and unlikely Alice in Wonderland, where, however, the wonders are far from what we have been used to in the traditional story that many of us know and where, in the end, the message that will leave our Alice will be of care and attention to others.
Terra srl in 2024 and 2025 financially supports projects for speciable children (children with autism), subsidizing the programs to them
dedicated to the VIRTUS IMOLA BASKET company and the JUDO IMOLA company.
The company carries out constant consultancy in the fields of applied ecology and in the correlation between environment and health (health impact assessment). Environmental planning ranges from environmental impact studies, environmental impact assessments and strategic environmental assessments to river design (naturalistic engineering) up to the design of plants (by way of non-exhaustive example: composting, biogas, constructed wetlands, landfills, photovoltaic plants, wind power, power lines, logistics or industrial platforms, etc …).
Since 2009 Terra srl is one of the founding members of the AIKAL network (http://www.aikal.eu/index.html)