
“Agreement” methods and tools for the environmental management of the territories

9 April 2015

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The new EIA Directive, objectives and problems for transposition

26 November 2014
Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, Rome

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8Th International Learning Network (ILN) Workshop

7-8 November 2013
Continental Hotel Budapest Zara, Budapest (Ungheria)

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Day of Remembrance – Photo exhibition and meetings Presentation and illustration of the project “The cart of memory, not to forget”

14-26 January 2013

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Conference: Energy saving and quality of life, a possible way for the Municipality of Caldogno With Marco Stevanin, Salvatore Giordano and Marco Abordi

28 April 2013 at 9 pm
At Villa Caldogno, Caldogno (VI)

Association: United for Health Press Conference: AIA Procedure, Coal / Fuel Oil Power Plant

29 March 2013
Tirreno Power – Vado Ligure

Study day: Tools and strategies for the recovery and enhancement of Urban Centers Dr. Marco Stevanin – scientific committee

March 22, 2013 at 9.30 am
Municipal Theater, Buti (PI)

Study seminar and round table Dr. Marco Stevanin – scientific committee

March 22, 2013 at 9.30 am
Benetton Research Studies Foundation, Treviso

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Conference: Livenza on display – The Civil Protection Plan explained

14 March 2013 at 8.45 pm
Giacomini Foundation, Borgo Girolamo Aleandro 23, Motta di Livenza (TV)

Conference: Time, behavior and resource management: towards a more sustainable society

February 28, 2013 at 2 pm
Agriturismo La Razza, Canali di Reggio Emilia (RE)

Conference: transforming marginal areas into sustainable resources for local communities As part of the implementation of the M2RES Project – SEE / B / 0014 / X co-financed by the EU through the SEE program

5 March 2013 at 10 am
Hall of the Region, Tirana (Albania)

Training course on river restoration

December 2012 – April 2013
Urban Center – Monza

European Recourse: Water common good towards Europe

28 March 2013 at 8.30 pm
Bianchi Room, Belluno

Meeting / Debate on the mini hydroelectric in Zoldo Alto

29 May 2013 at 8 pm
Multifunctional hall of Fusine / Zoldo Alto

Seminar: Health impact assessment in strategic environmental assessment Dr. Marco Stevanin – scientific committee

23 May 2013 at 3 pm
Aula Magna Rectorate, Piazza San Marco, Florence

Conference evening: Health, Territory, Legality – Limen Universalis Association Dr. Marco Stevanin – scientific committee

9 May 2013 at 8.45 pm
Municipal Cinema, Concordia Sagittaria (VE)

Workshop X: New skills for green jobs: Towards a European qualification in the waste sector

27 September 2013
Sala Verde Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Ravenna

Music, theater, exhibitions, conferences, Il Respiro di Gaia – Towards the common good

15 September 2013 at 9.30 am
Cinema C – Concordia Sagittaria (VE)

Seminar: Landscapes, regeneration and development Dr. Marco Stevanin – scientific committee

13 June 2013 at 10 am
Aula Magna Rectorate, Piazza San Marco, Firenze