Conference to present the contributions and projects of the Italian communities towards EXPO
November 29, 2.30 pm Giorgio Gaber Auditorium, Palazzo Regione Lombardia, Milan
Public Conference: health that smokes Biomass, health and territory power plants
November 24 at 8.45 pm Municipal Cinema Concordia Sagittaria (VE)
Conference: Water, a good to be preserved
November 24, 9 am-1.30pm
Bastogi Palace, Firenze
Towards the integrated urban regeneration program of the area between airport and port called “Sciaia” for short
October 2011, Brindisi
Conference: EXPO 2015 Project by Terra Srl: Alpine and Balkan Area and Expo 2015
1 July 9 am Casa dei Carraresi, Treviso
Training sessions: Nutrition and cancer, Environment and cancer, Good and bad stem cells
April 28 S.Stino di Livenza (VE)
13 May at 8.30 pm Portogruaro (VE)
20 May at 8.30 pm Pramaggiore (VE)
Conference: Environment and tumors
13 May at 8.30 pm
Town Hall, Portogruaro (VE)
Ecocentric – First Sustainability Biennial
Free entry
1-3 April 10 am-7pm
Exhibition Center, La Spezia

Public meeting: Economy and development of the territory: what risks and dangers for our health?
12 April at 20.30
Multipurpose Room A. Palladio, Cessalto (TV)

Public meeting: Land use and hydraulic risk
26 March at 9.30
Council Chamber, S.Stino di Livenza (VE)

Water Days – International Conference, International Water Civilization Award
February 27-28
Representation Room of the Trentino Alto-Adige Region, Trento
Public Meeting: Coal Upgrade: Point of No Return? There are alternatives
8 February at 8.45 pm
Chiabrera Theater, Savona
Watch the video of Striscia la Notiziaa, strong,
Download the program
Targeted seminar: Health Impact Assessment (VIS) in the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): application for the province of Treviso
Tools and actions for the protection of the environment and quality of life in line with plans, programs and territorial development
9 February, Treviso